Thursday, August 18, 2011

You Can Have Too Many Blogs.

I started the blog OneCrazyLady as part of an assignment for a Women's Studies class. I had to post something every week. It was a great habit to start. But, then the class ended and I got on with my life.
When I'm not forced to read a bunch of stuff outside my comfort zone, then I don't have as many interesting things to say.
When I decided to start blogging again, I remembered the name of the blog, but I couldn't find it, so I started over on Blogger. I mean really what's the point of having a blog if you can't even find it.
Well, today, I was searching for an article I had written about coffee filters, and found my blog - on wordpress

It's mostly anti-feminist rantings, so feel free to ignore it altogether. Or go check it out if you like.

My point here is a DAILY TIP for writers. If you are going to bother starting a blog... try and remember where you put it.

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