Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Adventures of Chris Fable movie review

I want to recommend this film, but I can't do it with a few caveats. The cover looks like a Harry Potter knockoff and the description available at the Redbox kiosk was accurate, but vague at best.

This full-length, live-action feature film sometimes seems low budget, but I don't really need a billionaire to tell me a good story - so that is the least of my concerns with this film.

It has some pretty scary elements. The bigger kids (9&up) were not concerned, but the 5 & 3 year old crowd were practically terrified; one refused to close his eyes, but instead shouted, "Turn it off! Make it stop!" throughout the more intense portions. But, even this is not a major concern for me.

The movie sends Chris[tian] on an adventure, where his only real friends are Faith and Hope and he has a "book" for a guide. Scriptural quotes are interspersed, like "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14) as instructions for Chris to remember as he travels to the Celestial City in search of his father. 

The story ends with Chris being reunited with his father and entering the Celestial City as the narrator/storyteller encourages viewers to walk like a Christian and use the good book as your guide. 

As a spoof or allegory, it's fine. But, as a teaching tool, heresy abounds. 

I thought it would have some liberal 'play nice with others' kind of message, and I was totally surprised that it was a biblical (well, pseudo-biblical) film. The Bible, the Law, the Gospel, and Jesus Christ are never mentioned, of course, but my 9 year old could easily point out the many obvious references to modern evangelical Christian teachings. As a Christian film, it is law based and leans to the liberal end of the evangelical spectrum. 

My kids liked the movie... but, it leaves a lot to talk about. If you liked CS Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters" then, this film has that same sort of element - Satan and his minions are around every corner and waiting to trick you.

Have you seen it? What did you think?

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