Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't Let Your Children Drown

Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in children; second only to car crashes. I have always been a strong swimmer, but when I nearly drowned at an indoor water park, the lifeguard never left her post. She didn't even know I was drowning. It was my daughter who saved me, NOT the lifeguard.

This advice spread quickly back in June when everyone was just beginning to get into beach mode. Now, that the summer is nearing its end, and everyone is thinking about school starting and gearing up for fall, we have become comfortable with the water. We've been hanging out at the beach or our favorite swimming hole all summer; we have lost some healthy fear.

So, whether you're spending the last days of summer at the beach or signing up for your membership at the local indoor pool, prepare yourself. Don't count on the lifeguard to save your child.

Start by reading this article. from the Coast Guard on what drowning actually looks like.

This is my parenting tip of the day. You can find more info HERE

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