Monday, July 18, 2011

Losing 15 pounds in 30 days

I lost 15 lbs in 30 days. No joke. No gimmick. No pills or tricks. Nothing to buy.
You can do it too.

It's really very simple, but I won't pretend that it was easy. In fact, I'm writing this now because it's hard for me to continue. From a practical perspective, a 15 lb weight loss in 30 days seems like some pie in the sky magazine ad that no one really sees happen. I should totally be encouraged. But, really, I need to lose 150, not just 15, so this pace seems slow to me.

But, if it seems like a pace you'd be comfortable with, you might want to try it.

First, I decided to change my eating habits. This is not a minor thing; I've been an unhealthy eater my whole life. For example, I lived on Doritos and Mountain Dew in college. Later, I worked the closing shift at McDonalds, taking home leftover burgers and eating day old food for lunch the next day. I am obsessively frugal (some would call me a tightwad or a cheapskate); basically, I am opposed to spending money. I will go to great lengths to make do. This is why I wouldn't even consider spending money on any kind of weight loss products.
I don't spend any extra money. In fact, because I'm eating less, I'm spending less money.

Second, I used what I already knew would work; the only weight loss plan that truly is effective:


See, I told you it's simple. But, not easy.

You need to know how many calories your body uses when you just live. This is called the BMR or base metabolic rate. You can use the free calculator at this site
It takes about 3500 calories to lose one pound.

So, hypothetically, if your BMR is 2000, and you eat 1500 calories per day, then you would have a deficit of 500 calories per day. 500 times 7 days in a week means you would lose one pound per week. That is a very healthy and practical rate of weight loss. (I'm not a doctor, I make this statement based on my personal reading and research).

If you add in some exercise, burning say 500 calories per day, then you would lose two pounds per week.

The first week is usually a quick drop, and then the rate slows down after that. So, you will probably see a rapid loss in the first week or two and then average out to 2 pounds per week. I lost about 8 pounds the first week, and then two and a half pounds per week after that, for a total of 15 pounds in the first 30 days.

That's it! No games, no products, just simple mathematics.

I said it was simple, NOT easy.

I have learned to count calories like I count pennies. Every bag, box or package has the calories listed on it. I've also learned to be very careful about serving sizes. For example, one bread charges 150 calories for two slices, and another is 110 calories for one slice. I'm sure there are other factors to consider, but on calories alone, I'd rather have two slices for my sandwich.

Every meal is a series of decisions about what I will eat and what I will give up. This last week was the hardest because we attended evening VBS that included dinner. It is impossible to figure out calories when someone else is preparing the food, you don't get to see packages and you have no idea what a serving size should be. I spent the week practically starving all morning, so I could indulge in the evenings, and then only lost half a pound that week. Restaurants are worse, so avoid them if you can.

As to saving money on this; I tend to drink a lot of my calories - especially milk (130 calories per cup for 2%); soda pop is even more! Developing a habit of drinking water fills my belly, quenches my thirst and costs 0 calories. Also, it is significantly cheaper in dollars than any other drink option.

Just writing this is helping me to feel better about the whole process and to be encouraged to continue on. I hope this simple idea encourages you too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Im willing to try this because it cost no dollars and makes lots of cents!
