Monday, August 8, 2011

Moving is a Sad Business

After a month in our new home, I have finally unpacked everything, and even had a day out with a gal pal - Yard Saling! my favorite pastime. But, there is a sadness that still lingers.

Just when I think we are really settling in; the girls are finding friends to invite to the park, people are sharing their garden surplus, the children are being invited to play, and the calendar holds promise of exciting days to come...

just when I think all is going well I am struck, completely off guard, by something that brings a wave of sadness.

It may be my daughter's offhand comment to a friend back home, "I hate it here."
She doesn't seem terribly unhappy, it was probably just a moment of missing the familiar.

Or it may be the realization that my son is having a birthday party for the first time in his life (we only do them at ages 5, 10, and 15), and he has yet to meet any children to invite. I know he will have fun because his siblings will make it special for him, but I feel guilty anyway.

I know that soon I will be busier than ever, the kids will be running in and out to this friend's and that friends, to and from this and that activity...

but right now, in the quiet, there is a sadness that lingers.

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