Saturday, March 10, 2012

When should you announce your pregnancy?

Feb. 3rd was the first day of my last period. That is the answer to the first question you will be asked when you go to see the OB/GYN (or when you call the midwife). Then, they calculate 40 weeks from that date to give you a due date. According to this method, I am due on November 9th and yesterday marked the 5 week mark.
Many women do not even know that they are pregnant this early; and I have been given advice to wait to tell. "What if you miscarry?" is the argument for waiting until the end of the 3rd trimester (around 12 weeks) before sharing your blessed news with others.
I would have taken that advice and waited, but as soon as I saw the 2 lines on that pregnancy test, I wanted to tell my husband. I tried to hint... but, my daughters got the clues before my husband did and then there was no stopping the news from spreading throughout the world. My daughters are not good at keeping secrets; especially something this exciting.
I've heard others argue that waiting because you are afraid something will go wrong is a lonely decision. If you miscarry, who will support you in your grief if no one knew you were expecting?
So, when should you tell?
When did/would you tell?


  1. LOVE this topic- and what a good reason to talk about it!


    I "knew" nearly right after conception with Olerick so when we FINALLY got the "pregnant" words to flash on the clear blue digital we called everyone (who was 1 hr behind us and they thought the only reason to wake to a phone call was for an emergency at the hour, since we tested before husband's early morning shift).

    The second time we called and told family right after we found out even though we knew something wasn't quite right. Because of that we told only close friends besides the family. It was Ectopic.

    This time we waited. ... a whole week or so after we tested (ll). It took EVERYTHING in me to wait that long and the more I thought about why we were waiting, the more I thought this is RIDICULOUS! *If* we miscarry we want these same people we are celebrating with to mourn with us. That's why we have community. And that's why even though we have experienced loss, we still tell. Even if life was gifted for only a short period, it should still be celebrated!

    Kayla of

  2. We tell right away too. I figure, the more people praying the better! But I totally understand why people wait. Things do go wrong and it would be hard to have people constantly asking about the pregnancy and having to continue to explain the baby had died. That would be difficult. So, I understand both sides.

  3. With my last 3 pregnancies we told immediately. It is such a joyous experience that we wanted to share with our family and friends. The first pregnancy I was apprehensive because we hadn't been married long and we were young, but our fear was for not.

    Now as we are going into our 5th pregnancy, I am again apprehensive about sharing the wonderful news. After losing Kaydence in September, Karl and I both let the Lord take over. His will be done. We didn't know if we would have more children, but we knew if we were blessed with another pregnancy and hopefully a healthy child that we would be so overjoyed. I found out in early February by intuition that I was pregnant, but I put off taking "the test" and telling Karl because of an upcoming funeral that he was assisting with...for a 4 month old little girl. It was more than he could handle. But when he and I talked, he pushed me to take the test and boy did we get the positive sign within seconds.

    Now, at 9 weeks we haven't told many people. We haven't told our own parents yet for varying reasons, and we haven't told our own kids. It is gnawing at us, but we want to sheild them from any possible sadness. So, do I wait until the 1st Trimester is over? I don't know. We had an 8 week ultrasound and baby's growth is right on track, and we see a specialist at 12 weeks in case this should be considered a high risk because of the stillbirth.

    I should say, the reason I haven't told my own parents is because my father is dying of pancreatic cancer and I know that he will not meet this grandchild. I'm not sure if he would be happy or sad to hear this news. I just don't know what to do...other than pray that this child continues to grow healthy and strong!

  4. We waited a while to make the first big announcement (at about 12 wks, I think). When we got the positive test we told close family and friends - and they kept the secret very well! ;-)

    We chose to wait to tell everyone because I was scared stiff of losing this lil one as I had lost the other two...chemical pregnancies. If something were to happen so early on, it'd be easier to cope if only close friends and family knew.

    However, we had a scary bout at 7 wks and it had to have been prayer that pulled us through! Because of that experience, I may be more open about our next pregnancy if the Lord blesses us with another Baby J.
