Sunday, August 28, 2011

Writing a novel in 30 days, the finish line

So, midnight tonight was the deadline to complete the 50,000 words in the National Novel Writing Month challenge, which I discuss in a different post. I had 3000 words left to write because yesterday was my son's birthday party, so I didn't add any words then. So, 3000 words to go at 7pm, with a midnight deadline. Just five hours.

I made a pot of coffee and I went for it. I managed to pray with my children, read one chapter of Charlotte's Web, and give kisses goodnight. I even sort of watched a movie that my husband had on during part of that time. It was a crazy night.

I slid into the final moments and hit 50,004 words just as I ran out of time.

I strongly suggest that anyone who thinks they want to write a novel, first read No Plot No Problem
and then just go for it. I made a chart with each day's word count goal on it and every day, I crossed off the counts as I passed them. This allowed me to see each day how far I needed to get to.

I think I will join the thousands of novel writers and wanna be's who will attempt to write a novel in 30 days come November, but for tonight, I will go to bed proud that I have completed this challenge and glad that I don't have any words to write tomorrow.

My Professional Writing tip of the day: Read good books and Go For It!

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