Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mama's Got Drama Queens

This mama spent her day at the fairgrounds, watching two episodes of SUMMER perform as a snooty orchid with the Albion Youth Theater at the fair this afternoon.
Then, I spent the evening listening to all the competition in the Hometown Idol competition, then cheering when they announced the first prize winner - CAITLIN JOHNSON

We drove over to the fairgrounds in the morning, checked out the ponies and walked through the 4H buildings. Shortly after we arrived, an announcement came over the broadcast system that the National Weather Service had issued a severe weather watch.
We know the theater adage that "The Show Must Go On!"
It helped that the community stage was in a tent, so the Youth Theater was just getting warmed up when the storm really hit hard.
Don decided to take the boys home since there wasn't anything for them to do under the tent accept get in the way. But, he came back in time to see the final performance and to hear the announcement.

It was a lot of work to haul four little boys home, feed them and haul them all back to the fair by himself.
I was so proud of him for doing this!

So, my Parenting Tip of the Day is BE THERE! Even when it's hard, or the weather doesn't cooperate; when your kids are performing - BE THERE!

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