Saturday, August 27, 2011

Learn to catch with a balloon

Playing catch. It's a great American pastime. Well, it's actually a great anywhere pastime. One of the first physical athletic skills that we teach our children is how to catch a ball. How early should you start and with what. If you've ever tried teaching an eight year old to catch by throwing a baseball towards his face, you know that this can be frustrating for you and terrifying for him. He may learn to catch, but first he'll instinctively duck and cover.

So, how can you start them young, while being certain that they will stay safe and not be afraid of "being hit by the ball"?

I suggest a balloon.

These are cheap and little kids love them. They take some skill to aim, but can quickly be volleyed back and forth over a short distance. What makes this tactic particularly successful for children who otherwise have no skills is that the 'ball' comes at them slow enough for them to catch it. A beach ball or bouncy ball when tossed, even gently, comes at a child pretty fast, and usually bounces off of them at first. But, a balloon ball floats just enough to slow it down so even a small child can catch it with just  a little practice.

So, my parenting tip for today is Have Fun with your Kids!
Play Ball!

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