Tuesday, April 3, 2012

8 1/2 weeks pregnant, The Coffee Crash is nearly over

Since about week six, I've been exhausted. Literally, exhausted. I look around at my messy house and think I should clean up, but I can't even move. All I want to do is sleep.

It came on all of a sudden, and I couldn't figure why.
But, recently, I realized after a couple of days of not needing to nap three times a day what the culprit was.

See, at about six weeks is when I discovered that my favorite pot-a-day coffee habit suddenly tasted gross, upset my stomach and smelled bad. I continued to make the coffee, fill my cup and carry it around the house. But, inevitably, I would find it somewhere still full. I wasn't drinking it.

The caffeine crash soon set in and I needed a nap.
When I woke up from that nap, I soon needed another one.

Now, that I'm finally weened from my coffee addiction, (well, mostly) I hope to find another source of energy to get me through the day. Time goes by REALLY FAST when you're sleeping and it's hard to get anything done when you sleep all day.


  1. At 12 weeks I'm still having a hard time getting through the day without a nap. It's a good thing I'm not working outside the house this year. Not sure how I did it for the other kids though. Maybe it is being pregnant over the age of 30!

  2. Andrea, I think it is perfectly acceptable for a pregnant woman to take a nap - even every day - it's three a day that I think is excessive. Congratulations!
