Friday, July 29, 2011

Shocking Talent

My daughter has a talent for vocals. I know this. Other people know this. It's just part of who she is. We try not to make a big deal of it, although she is working on getting some videos posted on YouTube
She walks around the house, belting show tunes for everyone to hear - literally everyone because when the windows are open, you can hear her from the street.

Even though I get to listen to her every day, she still manages to surprise me every now and then.

We attended the Albion Community Band Concert at Victory Park last Sunday night. Caitlin chatted with the conductor a bit about music, and just before the show started, he asked if she would like to sing the National Anthem for them.

My first thought, and yes, I actually said this out loud, "Do you even know the words to that?"

Keep in mind, I only ever hear her singing show tunes, cabaret and opera. I've never heard her sing the National Anthem. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Every American knows the words to The Star Spangled Banner"

"Well, maybe not every American, but if you know it, you go for it."

And, She did.

So, just like that. Last minute, no preparation or rehearsal. She just walked up in front of the crowded pavilion and stood in front of the band.  Veterans presented the flag, while everyone stood, the band played and Caitlin sang. Perfectly.

In fact, the director later met my husband and told him that she had "perfect pitch"

Proud, proud, proud was I, but admittedly surprised as well.

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