Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Over the years, we've encouraged our children to earn money, save money and plan BIG purchases.

For the last year, we've been setting aside money for Walt Disney World.

Today, two of the older children were discussing the differences between Great Wolf Lodge and the Kalahari; since they cost about the same, are the same distance from us and have basically the same park elements. As they were discussing this...

BTW, my husband taught the children "parliamentary procedure" so they frequently hold "committee meetings" trying to persuade each other to vote for certain things. We vote on how to spend the money we've saved up, and everyone is allowed to lobby for their personal interests and try to gain votes for their side. We own Hagrid's Hut and The Burrows because of one ten year old with exceptional salesmanship skills, who convinced even his sisters to vote with him. Perhaps he'll go into politics...

But, back to today's story. The ten year old and thirteen year old were debating the pros and cons of the Kalahari vs The Great Wolf Lodge, elaborating on all their favorite parts when suddenly, their eight year old brother piped in with,
"I want to go to the Kalaflodge"

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