Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How many days until we go to Walt Disney World?

How many days until we go to Walt Disney World?

If you are planning a trip to WDW or anywhere else, you probably hear the question, "How much longer?" over and over again... well, at least if you have kids, you do.

Here is a tip from the book  Vacation Education EPCOT. A series of Unit Studies inspired by your favorite vacation destinations.

3. Here's a tip to help keep little ones from going bonkers waiting for the big day. Cut a piece of construction paper into strips. On the first one write "We leave today" and then turn the strip so the words are on the inside, and tape the edges together. On the second strip write, "We leave tomorrow" and then loop this through the first ring and tape its edges together. Continue writing messages such as "Today we pack our suitcases, you can help" or "Only ten more days, count them on your fingers" and looping them onto the previous ring. When finished, hang this string of rings in a prominent part of the house where your children will see it every day. The last ring should be for the day you start making them. Each morning, your child can cut one down and read the message. The string of rings will be a visual reminder to help your children answer for themselves the constant questions of "How many more days until we go to Disney World?"

Now, if you are planning a surprise, you should not use this tip. One of our most memorable trips was our first. Our oldest was 6 years old, and in dance class. On the night of their final performance of the year, we dropped her off an hour before the show, and went home to pack the van. After the show, we drove as she fell asleep, still in her costume, makeup, frizzy hair and all. By the time she woke up, we were half way there. We handed her a United States map, told her the route we had driven so far, and let her guess where we were headed. It took her about two minutes to figure it out.

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