Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pickin' up the change

So, sometimes... I feel like a crappy parent...
like when my 8 year old is throwing a fit in the store...
or when I lose my four year old, on the same shopping trip, in the same store.


But, then, with a little patience and perseverance, we all make it safely to the check out.

And, sometimes, my children redeem themselves, and me and my parenting skills, by doing something totally wonderful.

As I was paying for my wares, with my half dozen monkeys, the lady behind us turned her change purse upside down and coins fell everywhere. My children immediately stopped what they were doing and turned to her. Seeing the coins all over the floor, they said in unison, "I'll get it."

Then, they scrambled to pick up all her change and bring it to her.
She was so thankful, and I was so proud.

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