Monday, August 13, 2012

Men, Messes and Roofing

Our move was initially delayed due to storm damage, but now we have been here for over a month. Each day, I tackle a new project... it might be catching up the laundry, unpacking a stack of boxes or really getting that bathroom clean - I mean like sterile, I might deliver my baby in here clean, but I'm not nesting yet and that's not what this post is about.

I've looked out my bedroom window every day since we've been here and lusted after my neighbor's immaculate yard. Ours is filled with large logs, tree limbs, busted siding, boards filled with nails and other miscellaneous trash. It's depressing.

Today, I watched a group of four or five men change all that, well, almost all that.

They worked quickly and quietly, each knowing what to do next. In under 8 hours, they had stripped the damaged area of the garage, reframed the entire corner, cleared the roof and reshingled it.
I'm praying that they will be back tomorrow to finish up the siding, clean up the mess and we will finally have a garage to store our outdoor toys.
We were so inspired by the efficiency of their work, that after they left, we went out and cleaned off the patio.
It's been hard to be patient as we've waited for the work to begin, but their progress today gave me hope. We are so excited to actually have a back yard to play in soon!


  1. Garage roofing isn’t as difficult as some think it to be. But all the same, I’m impressed with the 8 hour-record! :D They must’ve planned everything well. Actually, there lies the success and efficiency of the job, especially with roofing where details are very important. Great job!

    -->Brendan Gertner

  2. Like what Brendan said, garage roofing isn’t that difficult and 4-5 men were working on that, so what took them so long? Maybe it had something to do with the scope of the project? When we had our roof replaced, 3 roofers worked on it and they did their job very well in less than 5 hours.

    --Lino Kosters

  3. Our experience with contractors has been that they take weeks to complete a project, even one of this size. The tree did take out a large section of the garage that they had to rebuild before they could start on the roof, so I thought they were pretty efficient. They did return the next day and finished up the siding and cleaned up after themselves.

  4. Hmm. Were you satisfied with their job? Though it took them quite a while to finish, what matters in the end is the quality of their work. By the way, what kind of roof did they install?

    -Joanne Barragan
