Friday, August 17, 2012

27 week pregnancy picture

I thought I would never do this. I've seen oodles of pregnancy photos posted online. Some of my friends even post a new picture every week, creating an album showing the progression of their growing belly. They are usually first time moms. It's the sort of thing that I probably would have done when I was a first time mom, if I had thought of it. Certainly, if there had been a Facebook community to share it with, I'd have been much more likely to do it.

But, now, I'm nearly 40. This is my 7th baby. I'm already overweight, so there isn't such a distinct "bump" to document and it all seems sort of silly to me.

All of that said, I did see an opportunity today to take a shot to commemorate this child's growth in our family. We measured everyone else to see how tall they've gotten, why not measure this baby too? While the kids were playing at the local Science Center, I stepped into the phosphorescence booth to "capture" my shadow.

So, without further ado, here it is. My first pregnancy photo.

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