Monday, August 27, 2012

If you have no children...

If you have no children... you are missing one of the loveliest things life has to offer.

This was my exact thought today as we waded through the puddles in the pouring rain (the effects of Hurricane Isaac on Orlando) at Disney's Animal Kingdom. The rain didn't stop us from having fun, although I did learn that no matter how frugal I think I am, I will pay $65 for plastic ponchos with Mickey Mouse on the back.

Jacob (age 6) was splashing along with the plastic hood down over his eyes and he wasn't looking where he was going. There was hardly anyone in the park, so this wasn't really an issue, until he drifted into oncoming traffic and crashed into a lady. He barely noticed and just kept on splashing.

I was about 10 feet behind him, walking alongside Noah (age 3) who was doing the same thing. I started to say "sorry about that", but then she looked back at Jacob, then at her boyfriend and said,


I didn't say a word. I just smiled and thought, "You don't have any children, do you?"

Then, I thought, "...and you don't remember being five..."

Then, I just watched little boy shoes jump from puddle to puddle without a care in the world.

They weren't concerned about hurricanes, or the cost of park tickets (or ponchos). They just loved the sound and feel of their feet hitting the endless puddles of water upon the ground.

I didn't take a picture, but, that's because I do let myself get concerned with the cost of things like cameras that won't survive a downpour. I just enjoyed those little boys, and for a moment I forgot about the yucky feeling of the wet plastic stuck to my body.

Then, I thought, "If you have no children... you are missing one of the loveliest things life has to offer."

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