Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My 5K, Day One

I accepted an invitation to participate in a 5K run. I can't quite figure out why I said yes. I think I must have had a moment of delusion. There is a reason this blog is called One Crazy Lady - sometimes I do things that just can not be explained by any rational person.

So, here I am. I've committed. Now, I have until June 8th to prepare myself or quit.

There is this voice in my head (I'm pretty sure my mother put it there) telling me "You said you would, so now you have to." So, now I have to.

I tried to run track in high school. I was bad at it. I've never really had the speed or the endurance to be a racer. But, this isn't a race, it's just a run... speed is not important, endurance is. All I have to do is make it to the end. Technically, I could "walk" it, but, really?

I can do this. At least, I think I can.

I thought I would start with this training plan from the Couch 2 5K program.

Day One says: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

I changed out of a skirt and into comfy pants, put on socks and dug my Reeboks out of the back of the closet. I set up a track in my house with chair placement to give me a figure eight to walk. I completed the five minute walk with no problems, although five minutes is a long time when you are just walking in circles. AND, all I kept thinking about was how much I needed to vacuum the floor.

I got a drink of water and started the timer for twenty minutes. Four minutes in, the phone rang. My daughter needed directions, so then I was online looking them up for her. When I got off the phone, I went back to the kitchen and found out that I hadn't actually paused the timer and it had run out.

So, then, instead of starting over, I decided to vacuum the floor. Now, I'm looking for the step by step plan that gradually gets me to Day One of the C25K program.

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