Friday, December 28, 2012

Love Abounds and Abounds and Abounds

During our Seminary journey, we have been blessed in many ways. Some of them have been surprising, and others down right shocking. The lengths to which humans will go to show their love to one another often amazes and humbles me.
Gift giving is NOT my love language; in fact it is probably lowest on my list. Gift giving is always uncomfortable for me. I always feel like I'm not appreciative enough when I receive gifts and I always feel like I haven't done enough when I give a gift. It is always awkward and so I avoid it whenever possible. Christmas stresses me out, especially because my husband's love language IS gift giving and so he spends months shopping and researching and planning to get just the right gift for everyone. It makes me crazy!

But, sometimes, someone gives so deeply of themselves that is more than a gift... it is literally a piece of their soul laid before me and I am in awe of the glimpse of God's love that I see through human generosity. This is one of those times.
The family of believers from Faith Lutheran Church in Mesick, MI, a small church - 23 members - 'adopted' our family. This means that they have made a commitment to support our family, through prayer and financially during this time at Seminary. They do not know us, and we have no other connection to the people there, except that we happen to also be from Michigan.

They decided to send their Pastor and his family to visit us and give us gifts for Christmas. It was a nice surprise and we were very grateful, but this in no way was 'shocking'

They couldn't stay long and so left the presents with us. We didn't open them until later in the evening. We received clothing and toys and very nice gifts. But, in this, we were given something very special as well.

This airplane was made by a couple at Faith, from a tree in their yard, by hand, and Noah's name is burned into the side. It is a replica of a WWII fighter plane. Jacob received one as well, with his name on it.
I don't know how to make much of anything, so I can't really appreciate the amount of work that goes into a project like this, but I do know that it isn't something that you just throw together. It takes time and patience and dedication. It isn't something that you just do, it is an act of love.

An act that SO humbles me...

As I watch the boys play with their planes and fly them around the house, I am in awe. There are no words to truly express what an incredible gift this is. I thank God for the family at Faith, Mesick.

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