Thursday, January 3, 2013

My 5K, This is Too Easy

Day Two of my quest to complete a 5K run. I started out yesterday trying out the Couch to 5K training schedule.  
It didn't go so well.

Today, I tried again. I stayed in my slippers and skipped the running shoes; I mean, who am I kidding? I set the timer for 25 minutes and headed out through the house, shouting out orders as I went.

"Ethan, put away the K'Nex"

"Jacob, get the Lego's out from under the couch"

"Tyler, sweep the floor."

After the first five minutes, I had a little parade of giggling followers. They thought it was a game, like follow the leader. I kept marching and jogging (I'm really glad we live in a huge old house with large rooms and plenty of room to run around). As I came to a toy or piece of clothing or trash, I sent one of my little copy cats off on a mission to put it away.

Then, I turned on some music. I bought this CD set called "CardioBoost". It has three CD's. It's filled with "pumped-up hits". It was perfect. It energized everyone and by the time the 25 minute timer went off, I felt like I could keep going (although I was sweaty and my legs were hurting), and the playroom was clean too.

It was great. I think it's an awesome way to start the day.

But, it was too easy, I think. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to fool my children into cleaning up like this every day. But, I plan to try it again.

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