Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'd like my Math with less torture please

I've said this before, I'm saying it again and I'll probably keep on saying it - we're struggling with math again. It isn't the concepts or the logic, we get that. Most of us LOVE that part. It's the speed and accuracy tests that are killing us.

We've discovered recently that in order to score well on a timed test, such as the SAT or ACT, you have to be able to process the questions quickly. Especially with the math. There isn't a lot of time to stop and think and calculate in your head, at least not if you want to do well.

So, we've been drilling math, and I mean DRILLING!!!! Yes, it has been as painful as it sounds.

We've tried to make it a little more fun. For example, we've done flashcard competitions. It's a head to head challenge and whoever says the correct answer first gets that card in their pile. The person with the tallest pile at the end of the challenge wins. The loser has to do a nasty chore. So far, the most motivating chore has been cleaning the toilet. My 10 year old lost to his older sister and after one round of toilet cleaning has been hiding away with the flashcards, memorizing them as fast as he can so he never has to clean the toilet again. How's that for motivation?

Also, we've been doing those torturous Minute Drills - you know the ones that you had to do in school - 60 facts in one minute or 100 facts in five minutes. So, I wanted to give a plug to the website that has made my life easier as we go through this math speed journey. http://www.math-aids.com/

Math-Aids provides free customized worksheets of all kinds. We've really appreciated the easy to create, print and use drill sheets. I really love that it is free and easy to navigate. I encourage others to visit.

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