Friday, October 5, 2012

What was I thinking?

Have you ever agreed to do something and then later wondered exactly how it would all work? Or maybe even wondered exactly what you were thinking when you said yes?
You know, when you say you'll do something totally crazy like write your NaNoWriMo live on your blog?

So, I've got 26 days until it starts... I'm thinking it through.

There are rules, like you have to actually write the novel during the 30 days. You can't write it ahead of time and then just post it in November. But, you can plan ahead.

So, I'm thinking about characters, locations, situations, plot, etc.
Then, I get thinking about word count. To write 50,000 words in 30 days, you have to write about 1,800 words per day. Now, if I keep my calendar clear, I can usually accomplish this without too much trouble. Thank God I learned how to type... FAST! It's the figuring out what to say that takes time.

But, then, just this morning in the shower... do you do your best thinking there? I do. Maybe it's because it is the only quiet spot in my house. Suddenly, standing there in the shower, it occurred to me that I am going to lose a couple of writing days while in the hospital having Baby Seven. Hmm. What to do??

So, I'm going to have to recalculate my daily word count so that I stay ahead in the first week or two and give myself a break in the middle, you know, cuz I love you guys and I am so excited to share a story with you, but, having a baby is a lot of work, so I'll need a day or two off there.

I hope you are getting as excited as I am. See you next month.

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