Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Did you swallow a planet?

Have you ever heard someone say something totally insensitive to a pregnant woman? Some of the most common are:

"Haven't you had that baby yet?"

"When are you due?" (said to a woman who is past her due date or to one that had her baby two years ago)

"You're huge!" "You must be having twins." (or some variation of this comment on Momma's growing belly)

"Are you going to eat ALL of that?!"

"Do you know what you're having?" (Ummmm, I'm pretty sure it's NOT a puppy)

"Will you have more?" "Are you done yet?" (Done what? Being married? My sex life is really none of your business)

"My labor was....[insert horror story]"

There are many more and there are lots of blog posts about them, so I won't go on. But, I'll share my favorite, because it happened to me today:

17 year old daughter: "Momma, you look really pregnant."

Me: "Well, I am really pregnant."

Daughter: "Yeah, but, you look like you swallowed a PLANET!"

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