Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thank God for distractions...

The last few weeks of pregnancy are always the hardest mentally because I start thinking it could be any day now. The false or "practice" contractions come more often and they start to make me imagine that they are real. My body produces excess Relaxin and my pelvic bones feel like they are all loose and shaking around when I walk; I can even hear them popping together sometimes. It becomes nearly impossible to roll over, and I often find I'm off balance and feel like my feet are always on top of each other when I walk.

But, I know it will all be over soon.

That's what makes it so hard mentally, is the knowing that it is all coming to an end, but not knowing exactly when, and I do not do well with unknowns - it stresses me out!

So, this month, while I wait, God has given me a gift... at least I'm choosing to see it as a gift.

He has seen fit to fill my October schedule with children's dental work - my calendar is so full and my days so busy this month, that I'm sure it will pass by in such a flurry that I will suddenly find myself nearly due with baby and wonder where those few weeks went.

We start with Summer, our oldest, who will have the pleasure of losing all her wisdom teeth tomorrow. She inherited this problem from her father, who also had his removed. I have all mine, they fit just fine in my mouth and I'll keep them thank you very much.

Then, Tyler and Jacob who have no cavities but do have deep pitted back teeth (like their mother) will each have to go in and get sealants done.

The whole dental thing started a couple of weeks ago when Ethan was playing with boys on the playground and "raced" directly into a metal pole, breaking his front top tooth. I took him in to see how much damage had been done and then went ahead and scheduled all the kids for checkups while we were there. Ethan will go in later this month and have a cap put on his front tooth.

During their visit, we also discovered that Caitlin, who had ten - YES 10!!! cavities at her last visit, 6 months ago, now only has one - But, this one is so deep it is now down to her nerve. I don't know how to get her to take sound advice and stop eating bedtime snacks that just sit in her mouth all night long.

Finally, our baby, poor little 3 year old Noah, who went to the dentist for the very first time in his whole life, needs a crown. Apparently, at some point, unknown to the rest of us, our little toddler broke one of his molars, and it had become infected - how he had no pain, we're not sure. But, now he needs major dental work. Seriously, who ever heard of a 3 year old with a crown on his tooth? Poor guy.

I figure, this schedule of appointments, all in the next 20 days will certainly keep me busy enough to not be worried about when baby is coming or how many days until she gets here. Dear God, thanks for the distraction.

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