Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm in labor, but it's just my imagination...

We try to describe it, in lady-like terms. We try to explain it in ways that won't terrify the young girls who've yet to experience motherhood.

But, there really aren't any nice ways to say what it's like.

I feel constipated!

My husband thinks this is a really unattractive statement. But, I really don't know of any other way to describe the tension in my lower abdomen that is sometimes so severe, I start imagining I might just push this baby out right now.

They call them Braxton Hicks.

You've probably heard of them. Some people say they don't hurt. I disagree. Maybe I'm just wimpy.
There's really nothing that can be done about them either. It's like my body is practicing; working out in preparation for a marathon...

While a part of me finds this exciting as I think I'll be holding my baby soon; it's just pretending because I know that I still have nearly 6 weeks to go and these "practice" contractions will be keeping me from relaxing or getting a good night sleep for all of them.

So, all you pregnant women can join me in a pity party as we cry over our aching bellies.

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