Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I want a pet... any pet will do.

So, this morning, Don and I were off to the Seminary for a placement meeting. We got to learn all about the paperwork and important deadlines that are coming up this year. It is an exciting time.

We left our children home alone.

We know that when we leave them home, they will sometimes do things that they would never do if we were here, mostly because as parents, we stop these things before they happen.

So, while I was still taking off my shoes in the entryway and Don yelled from the kitchen, "Come here, quick." I was sure there was some disaster.

But, this is what I found on my kitchen table
They caught a mouse, and built a house for it out of Lego's.
Oh, and they fed it a cracker.
It seemed very happy to just hang out in the little house and eat its cracker.
"Can we keep it?"
"But, I want a pet."
"But, look how cute he is."

I made them put the mouse and its cracker in a bag and take it out to the trash, because I'm just a mean mom like that. Mice carry diseases; this is no pet store mouse, it used to live behind our freezer, it can't stay.

Now, they want a hamster.

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