Monday, September 17, 2012

Writing Contest: Prize? A publishing contract!

So, I just promised all my readers that I would write you a novel for NaNoWriMo.

Then, I stumble onto this interesting little tidbit from Harlequin and Mills & Boon.

They are looking for manuscripts. Do you have a novel just sitting in a drawer that you hope someday will find the right place to send it?

Well, it won't magically get there on its own. I've heard it said that you have to get out and do the leg work of getting your name known. You have to go out and send your work to lots of places and face years of rejection letters if you ever want to get published. The publisher is never going to just come knocking on your door and say "Hey, do you have a novel just waiting for me to read? I'm sure I'll love it."

It's true. That's probably never going to happen. But, this might be the closest thing.

It looks like a cool and fun contest, but the first chapter is due in 6 days.

I don't think I can pull it off, but if you have a manuscript just waiting for you to brush off the dust... it might be time to polish up that baby and send it on in. Here's the link to that contest again.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

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