Sunday, September 9, 2012


My nose! Yes, my nose is the most affected part of my body during pregnancy. I get all the other symptoms; terrible nausea from conception to delivery - hyperemesis even, pelvic bones that come apart due to my body's overproduction of Relaxin and cause so much joint pain that I have to have my husband roll me over in the middle of the night, a belly so large that I waddle instead of walk and of course, all the lovely things like pressure on my bladder and toes in my rib cage.

But, the worst is my poor nose.


I mean everything.

The inside of my van smells like spoiled milk. I've vaccuumed, sprayed and Febrezed like crazy, but it won't go away.

Our couch smells like dog... we don't own a dog, but the previous owner did.

The baseboards by the back door smell like cat urine. We don't have a cat either.

The basement smells like sewage, especially when it rains.

The milk smells spoiled, the cantaloupe smells like old garbage, and the garbage cans, oh, don't even get me started on the smells that come from our garbage cans.

EVERYTHING STINKS! It isn't just that I notice these smells when no one else does; but I notice them so strongly that sometimes I have to hold my breath.

Last week, at Walt Disney World, going into the Pirates of the Caribbean, the fog maker at the beginning took my breath away and it was like my lungs were going to close up and never let air in again.

When my daughter got in the van after painting her finger nails, the chemical smell gave me an immediate headache. I almost made her walk home.

The smells are SO STRONG - even things that smell good, STINK!

I've noticed this in different intensities and during different times during all of my pregnancies. Apparently, this is all caused by hormones, estrogen in particular. Like all the other symptoms of pregnancy, this too shall pass when baby comes. Just one more reason to look forward to labor and birth.

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