Saturday, March 24, 2012

I laughed at a telemarketer, but I couldn't help it.

I'm not rude to people, I'm really generally not. I'm polite to everyone; other drivers, grocery store clerks, people on the street, even telemarketers. But, today, I just couldn't help myself.

The phone has been ringing non-stop for about a week. The vicarage number is the emergency contact for the congregation; you know, like if someone suddenly goes to the hospital and needs their Pastor - they call us. Because of this, we pretty much always answer the phone.

So, all this week, I've been getting calls from political surveys and what not. Well, as I sat visiting with my mom this afternoon, I answered a call for "Mrs. Lewis"
"I'm sorry, you have the wrong number."
"Oh, well, perhaps you would like to give us your opinion..."
"No, I don't want to, but thank you for calling."

The phone continued to ring, almost non-stop for the rest of the evening. I ignored it and no one ever left a message. If it was an emergency, they would leave a message, right? So, I ignored it. That's really hard to do.

After my mom left, I finally answered it. I thought she might be calling to say she'd forgotten something, but I should have known, it was for "Mrs. Lewis" (my last name isn't Lewis, by the way)
"I'm sorry, you have the wrong number."
"Oh, well, could I take just a moment of your time?"
"Ok, sure"
I don't remember exactly what she said, but it went something like this:
- Our country needs strong, independent, liberal, democratic women in political office. Some insult about Rush Limbaugh. Now, ma'am, in your area, people have been giving donations of around $150, can we count on you for that amount?
I started laughing. I couldn't help it. Then, I said something like - "I believe the opposite of everything you just said. Please, take me off your calling list."

The phone hasn't rang since.

I'm sure it will start up again tomorrow.

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