Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pregnant 5wks+4days I feel great. Should I be worried?

I keep waiting for the wave of nausea to overcome me and send me rushing to the bathroom. I was sick throughout all 6 of my previous pregnancies. Hyperemesis Gravidarum, is what it's called. It can be so severe that round-the-clock IV fluids are required just to keep Mom from getting dehydrated. Extreme dehydration causes nausea also, so it can be a bitter cycle.

But, today, I'm not sick, just starving. I think I'll enjoy it while it lasts, because I have a feeling that pregnancy sickness is on its way.

A new baby brings about so many things to think about.
Will we buy a bigger van?
Will we need a bigger house?
What will we name "Seven" when we meet him or her?
I'm 37, are my eggs old and deformed?
Will our baby be healthy?
I'm overweight, what are the risks?
I had the last two at home, am I strong enough to do that again?

I have 34 weeks and 3 days to worry; today I feel fine. I called the midwife and I'm looking forward to my first appointment. God is good.

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