Thursday, March 22, 2012

7 weeks pregnant - I'm so sick!!

I don't have morning sickness. In fact, I feel just fine in the morning. And, if I didn't eat, I'd feel great all day; well, except for starving. It's the eating that makes me sick. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or how much or when. It all makes me ill. It's the worst in the afternoon.

It is comforting in a way, as I consider that all of my previous pregnancies have been this way; they have all gone well and produced healthy, beautiful children. So, as long as I'm sick, I feel normal, I guess.

WARNING: Gross parts to come.

My entire digestive system seems to go crazy when I'm pregnant. My throat tightens up, so I have to take smaller bites. It's like it knows that I am looking at my food and thinking, "What will that be like coming back up?"
I know from experience that spaghetti noodles will go up my nose and get caught in my throat and that I will choke on them. I avoid spaghetti, or I break it into small pieces when I'm cooking it and I chew it a lot.
Milk comes up spoiled if it sits in my stomach too long. I hate that. But, I crave milk, so I keep drinking it anyway.
Yogurt isn't better.
Anything spicy burns on it's way back through.
Foods with sharp edges ( like chips) cut into my esophagus and cause me to throw up blood. It's gross... and scary.

I've got a lot of experience with this, so much so that I eat, vomit, and eat again, and it sometimes, it doesn't even bother me. But, no matter how much I have been through this, it still seems odd to prepare every meal thinking about how it will taste and feel when it inevitably comes back up.

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