Friday, February 28, 2014

Scaring children with just one word: Chores

I am sitting in my favorite armchair, with a cup of hot coffee - yes, you read that right, I am drinking coffee that is still hot.
The house is quiet.
How did I manage this, you are wondering. No, I didn't send them all away to boarding school, and no one is duct taped to the wall currently, and so as I came to sit down with my fresh hot coffee and a book, I too wondered why is it so quiet and where did they all go?

I may have discovered a new trick as I think about how this came to pass.

After lunch, I discussed schoolwork and goals and schedules with the children. Then, I put the baby down for a nap and in passing, mostly to myself commented on some chores that needed to be done.

I didn't ask any child to do them, just mentioned them in passing and then went to the kitchen to get my coffee.

When I returned, the living room was empty and all the children were gone. Silent as caterpillars they crawled up the stairs to their rooms.

Some are reading, some are playing, some are even sleeping.

I've tried to maintain an afternoon quiet time, but it hardly ever works because there is always one child who insists on being noisy. But, today, the mere mention of chores sent them all away.

I'm sure I can't use this trick every day, but today I'm going to enjoy the silence and enjoy my hot coffee before it gets cold and I'm going to try to finish my February book.

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