Thursday, November 5, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

It's NaNoWriMo time!
I've been blog lazy lately, but November always drives me to designating writing time, and that always makes me think about blogging.

So, this year, I'm working on a book to finish. My NaNoWriMo journey is different, more mature maybe. In years past, I've ridden the wild ride in the chase of the fifty thousand word mark.

But, now, I'm thinking about the end product more than I'm thinking about numbers.

This year's novel journey actually began in October as I spent the previous month writing the outline for this novel. I'm working through my notes from a book I read a few years ago that gave step by step instructions to completing a novel. I've made some adjustments and catered it to my own writing style.

I've created character sketches, written setting descriptions and outlined major plot, several subplots, back stories and scenery.

Now, I enter November with a pile of ideas all ready to come together in a cohesive story line.

My word count is growing slower than I might like (probably because I'm raising and teaching 8 children - and we are on vacation this week, so every day is filled with museums and zoos and parks and fun stuff, bringing me home exhausted by the time I put all the tired babies to bed.)

But, I'm excited!

I'm dreaming about putting this year's novel on KDP or some other self-publishing platform. I would love to hear your experiences with this format.

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