Sunday, November 29, 2015

Failing NaNoWriMo 2015

It's November 29, 2015. Only two days left to complete NaNoWriMo. I have less than 15,000 words in this year's story. No where near the 50,000 needed to win. I will write today and some tomorrow maybe, and I will get closer, but I probably won't reach the goal.

It feels like failure. But, I've learned a lot this year.

In September, I read books and completed research to create a plan for writing a book. I put together a schedule and worked to see how many hours could realistically be squeezed out of each day.

In October, I put my plan into action, created an outline, character sketches and setting descriptions for November's novel.

In November, I set out to turn October's work into a finished novel.

I'm not there yet.

Instead, I went on vacation with my husband and children. A week of fun and sights and visiting. I took my laptop along, but my kids are just too much fun to be ignored.

Then, I won a huge turkey from out local grocer, so I invited some friends for Thanksgiving, so I fed twenty people dinner because they are more important than that story.

But, now that the last days are here, I can't make any more excuses.

I didn't finish the word count because I didn't put in the hours.

That's all.

I chose to do other things, like dishes and laundry, changing diapers and playing with babies. Every day I made the choice to be a mom and let the story sit.

and this is a big one...
I'm not finished.

11:59pm on November 30th is not the final minute of my writing adventure.

This story will still be here. The outline is still solid, my characters compelling and the story worth telling. So, I won't win NaNoWriMo this year, but I am not defeated.

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