Sunday, May 3, 2015

Uber Organized Laundry


is a fabulous idea.

I love it.

But, I'll never do it.

So, this mom takes all of her daughter's laundry and as it comes out of the dryer, she matches up the sets (her child only has sets) and folds them together in a large zipper style clear plastic bag.
When her daughter is getting dressed in the morning, she does not have to sort through a closet or dresser to find all the pieces of her favorite outfits because ALL she has to do is grab a bag.

I love this idea.

In fact, when I pack for long trips, I have done this exact thing with my younger children's outfits and even labeled each bag with a name and weekday assignment before putting them into the suitcase. I did this to prevent certain children from crying that they had no pants to wear after two days of vacation. It was a survival mechanism.

It's great.

But, for me, it must be filed under the category of things I would do


I only had one child.

Some things just have to be let go.

This is one.

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