Monday, April 27, 2015

What Makes a Man Sexy?

What Makes a Man Sexy?
That is the latest request to my search engine.

To be honest, a man wearing a baby in a sling makes me melt.

But, I'm looking for some romance novel type sexy. In a romance novel, how do you describe a man so that readers think he is sexy? How do you describe him so that women want the heroine to be with him?

I'm leaving today to go on a husband sponsored retreat (that's sexy, right?) to write a novel. I will have about 24 hours without interruption, except for a nursing baby and my own body's requirements for sleeping, eating and endless coffee. As I prepare, I am researching publisher's guidelines and developing an outline to work from as I take advantage of those 24 hours and attempt to write a novel in that time.

I see a pattern of publisher's looking for a "sexy" hero.

What is it that makes him sexy? How do I put it into words? Thus, I turn to Yahoo...

So, here's what I found:

Apparently, I'm not the first journalist to ask this question. USA Today produced an article on just this topic back in 2012. The writers interviewed here said, "cowboy hat" and I'm not so sure that fits my guy...

But, I'm thinking maybe my guy will be just a little bit dangerous, coming from sordid past, have some shady friends, but in the end, be just the kind of take charge and protect what needs protecting man that my heroine needs. That sounds pretty sexy to me. What do you think?

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