Friday, November 22, 2013

Why I Care Where You Go To Church

I like people. I mean genuinely like them, and encourage my children to interact, greet and engage in friendly conversation with all people.

But, when one of my children expresses delight in a new found friend, my first question is usually "Where do you go to church?"

My oldest finds this annoying. So, I tried to explain to her why it matters.

I care about the people who will be my children's friends and loved ones. I care about their earthly life and their salvation. But, even more so, I care about how they will walk alongside my child.

If you don't go to church at all, then I have to wonder where you will learn forgiveness? I mean the kind of forgiveness that can overcome all misunderstandings, and erase all sins. The kind of forgiveness that keeps a marriage or a friendship together until death. The forgiveness that can only come from Christ Jesus that not only forgives the transgression but remembers it no more.

If you don't know that forgiveness, then how will your relationship with your friend, my child, manage when one of you sins against the other? It will happen. I want to know what you will do about it.

If you do go to church, I want to know where. Did you know there are now atheist churches? The word church doesn't mean what it used to and I want to know what it means to you, my child's friend.

Who do you think God is?
Who do you think Jesus is?

I want to know when my children are in trouble, and their father and I cannot be there, who will walk beside them. What kind of advice will you give? Will you pray with my child in times of need? Who will you be praying to?
Will you read and study and cherish God's Word and encourage your friend, my child, to do the same?

I want to know.

If you go to a church that is nominally Christian, but practices irreverence, will you have enough respect for God to seek out His Word and follow it? Or will you encourage your friend, my child to disrespect God, family and the traditions we hold dear?

My children love people, and they will be listening to what you say, and they will be watching what you do. When you become friends with my child, I'm going to ask you "Where do you go to church?"

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