Monday, November 25, 2013

Fart is Air AKA Life with boys

Some days I think I could write a whole separate blog about life with boys... they do things my girls would NEVER do. Like the time they giggled all the way to play practice in the back seat, because they had discovered a new smell coming from the older boys armpits.

Today, for example, while I was teaching the 11 y.o. how to make spaghetti, the 4 y.o. stood in front of my 1y.o. daughter's high chair, sharing goldfish crackers and tantalizing conversation.

Soon, I heard his little voice explaining vital biology.

It went something like this:

"I have a butt crack, you have a butt crack..." at which point, I said...

"That's not nice talk." And, he said...

"But, everyone has a butt crack." At this point, I decided to let it go, and he happily moved on to less bathroom oriented conversation.

In an entirely different conversation, immediately after this, my 7 y.o. came in and asked to help with lunch. I said he could stir the fruit salad.

Boy: "Why are there bubbles?"

Mom: "When you stir, it makes air bubbles?"

Boy: "Oh. Fart is Air!"

Mom: "Um."

Boy: "When I fart in the bathtub, it makes bubbles. So, fart is air."

Mom: "Well, yes, it is air from your intestines."

Boy: (yelling very excitedly to 11 y.o.) "Hey, Ethan! FART IS AIR!!"

Mom quietly stirs spaghetti sauce and ponders the conversations that will occur in the next few decades of life with boys.

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