Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dream Baby

Have you ever watched a baby dream? It's not just the peaceful baby face like you see in those cute Anne Geddes still photos.

It starts with the rapid eye movement that indicates a dream state.

Then, there are random smiles, followed by giggles, and then the tongue flickers.

She must be dreaming about nursing.

But, it's not all pleasant faces either.

Sometimes, there's the furrowed brow, the pouty lip and then an outright scream.

Oh, dear child, you are only two weeks old. What monsters could possibly haunt your mind?

Perhaps she dreamed the nipple disappeared and that she couldn't find her fingers.

I understand the practicality of sleeping when my baby sleeps, to fend off exhaustion and keep my sanity of course, but her face is so much more expressive when she sleeps than when she's awake - where she mostly just looks around wide-eyed like she is always stunned. But, in her dreams, I see so much personality and imagination and I can't wait for her to tell me all her thoughts and dreams. So, I sacrifice my own sleep to watch hers.

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