Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Writing for money

I've said before that if you are going to write, then you should do it for free, like for a good cause or on your own blog, OR you should get paid what you're worth. I've argued that you hurt yourself and other writers by taking jobs that pay very little, including some per word offers that end up being less than minimum wage.

On that note, I will mention that my for FREE (as in on my own blog) writing has been vastly lacking lately as I have pursued some $$$ jobs. Having just finished one such assignment that seemed to swallow me whole for two weeks, I venture back into the world in a daze. But, just long enough to take a breath and jump right back into my workload.

I hope to work on some travel articles with the kids later this year. We are working on a script for a "Christmas DVD" that we will be making for grandparents this December. More FREE writing on my part, plus lots of reading to climb the learning curve involved in filming, editing and burning a DVD.

My advice to my fellow writers, once again is to write for FREE for causes you love or write for a fee that values your time and talent.

I have learned a lot from a networking site for freelancers looking for work and for the companies that like to hire them.

For a fun and interesting challenge, I suggest trying out this November. If you have been working hard on nonfiction writing, like I have for the past few years, you'll appreciate a chance to whip out a crazy, spastic, energetic, even sleazy and cheesy novel, just for the love of it.

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