Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sports Night Crock Pot Lasagna

Cheap and Easy - that's not an ad, that's what I want my meals to be... well, let's be honest, I would like lots of things to be cheap and easy, but this recipe actually is.

I call it a Sports Night recipe because that is usually when we usually need a convenient meal. It has to be yummy and filling enough to stop me from running through the drive thru after practice.

This lasagna needs the following ingredients (this feeds 2 adults, 3 teens, and 4 kids):
2 lbs cooked ground beef
2 lbs lasagna noodles
3 cans/jars of pasta sauce (2 quarts will work if you can your own)
1 can diced tomatoes
2 lbs cheese (mozzarella is the staple, but whatever you like will work)
some spices to your preference (I use oregano and basil)

I prep this about 11am while making lunch. Layer in crock the following:
Sauce, meat, noodles, cheese, noodles, sauce, tomatoes, meat, cheese, noodles, sauce, meat, cheese. Add spices to layers of sauce as you go.

I leave on high from lunchtime until about 2:30, then turn to keep warm. Kids can meander in from school and eat right away, athletes can get a hardy carb and protein meal before practice or the night before a big game, Dad can eat when he comes in from work, and Mom will, of course, taste test throughout the day to make sure it is just right.

Tip: make sure all noodles are covered with sauce, exposed noodles will not soften

If you have time and inclination, a simple garlic loaf goes well with this dish.

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