Thursday, December 5, 2013

Should Parents Be Embarrassing Their Children on The Internet? How Far is Too Far?

Can I use my children to promote my writing career? Is that crossing a line?

What if they are so funny, I just can't help myself?

My 15 year old is taking driver's training. First, she had to complete three weeks of classroom training, none of which actually teach anything about the actual act of driving a vehicle.

Then, she is supposed to go to six driving sessions, including riding along with another driver and behind the wheel time too.

The first scheduled behind the wheel session happened to fall on the same day as our first big snow storm. Even the instructor said he would have rescheduled if he had known how bad it was going to be.

So, that morning during Bible study, I asked for prayers for her.
I also may have jokingly said that she had never been behind the wheel of a car before and didn't even know the difference between the gas and the brake.

Well, those ladies couldn't let that go... they just had to tease her about that.

So, now I'm posting a blog about her reaction because I just can't help myself.
After being teased by the ladies at church, she came home and yelled at me, exclaiming the following:


It only took her about two seconds to realize what she had just said, but it took me another five minutes to stop laughing. Now, I'm sharing it with the world... have I gone too far?

I know one girl who thinks I have.

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