Monday, November 26, 2018

Pancakes and Pajamas, typical homeschoolers

One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the freedom!

Freedom to still be wearing Minecraft pajamas in the middle of the day and have no one teasing you about it.

Freedom to make pancakes for lunch, because you have as much time as you need and no one ringing a bell to alert you that your lunch is over.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Easy burger patties - no touching!

I don't like touching cold, raw hamburger meat, but we all love burgers for dinner.

I came up with this simple, nifty trick for making burger patties that are relatively equal in size, but don't require me to keep sticking my hands back into the meat bowl.

By the time I mix up the spices and the meat (bare handed), my hands are miserable... so I want to wash them and be done with the meat touching.

First, I decided to use my ice cream scoop to get even servings...

Next, to make them patties, I used my potato masher to get them flat.

And, then, tada
Decent looking patties with no touching!

Share your cooking tips in the comments. I would love to hear them.