Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful for the Simplest Things

People keep posting things that they are thankful for, but I'm just not that into it. Although, today, I am thankful that I decided to post my NaNoWriMo live on my blog because last night my computer crashed. I lost several documents when I had to force a restart and restore the computer to an earlier date.
Had I kept the story in MS Word only, it would be gone. It's only one day worth of writing, just under 1500 words; but it still would have been tough to start again.
Having the first day's work posted here means that I have only lost a few hundred words of notes that I had started to type up late last night after posting. It's always disappointing to lose any work, but I am very thankful that I didn't lose more.

And, just so that I don't feel left out of the thankfulness club...

I'm also thankful for brilliant, beautiful children who love to play games together and keep each other entertained so that I can squeeze in time to write.

I'm thankful that God gave me two daughters to help out around the house, and who love to care for babies, before he gave me four energetic sons.

I'm thankful for a basically uneventful pregnancy thus far, as it allows me to focus on caring for my family and getting my house ready for our new arrival.

I'm thankful that my husband is nearly finished with his Seminary studies and that we have the hope of receiving a call in the spring to a place that we can call home for more than a year.

Lastly, at least for today, I'm thankful for easy to use, portable thumb drives to save my work on in case my computer suddenly reaches the end of its life.

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