Saturday, November 17, 2012

Babies NEED a Lot...

So... um... like... babies... yeah, they NEED lots of stuff. How did I not know this? I already had six children.

When I say they NEED stuff, I don't mean material items, although there are some of those, like diapers, tiny clothes, a "non-expired" car seat, blood tests (so says that state of Indiana), heat (apparently they don't keep themselves warm very well until they've taken in lots of calories), a place to sleep, etc.

But, I was prepared for all of that. I had a pretty good idea going into this pregnancy of exactly what items I would really use and which ones were just sort of space hogs.

It's the other stuff that I sort of forgot about, like the things that babies need that just suck up all of your extra time; as if I had much extra time. But, seriously, my calendar is generally empty right now and I'm typing as fast as I can to get this blog posted while baby's big brother takes a turn rocking her to keep her happy. I'm not suggesting that she is an unhappy baby, she's not.

But, yesterday, I needed to take her for those state mandated blood tests. It was just a drive to the hospital, a few minutes in the lab and then a drive home. With my youngest being nearly four years old now, I've become accustomed to saying "Shoes! Coats! Everyone!" and being out the door in five minutes or less. I've also become accustomed to saying "Count Off!" once we're in the van and knowing that everyone will say their number and that means that they are buckled in and ready to go.

Now, all of a sudden, I have to make sure that I have an extra diaper, wipes, change of clothes, etc ready to go in case we need them. Then, I have to consider the last time she ate and the likelihood that she might get hungry in the forty minute drive to the hospital... or if I could possibly stop and get milk on the way home or would that be stretching her "outing-toleration" limit. What is her outing-toleration limit? I have no idea, I've only known her for two days. There are so many things to be considered before I even walk out the door. My days of five minutes to the car are over, at least for now.

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