Thursday, November 22, 2012

Second Chance: November 22

Jay spent the day showing Karin around his family’s estate, sharing stories of years gone by, cooking for her and making her laugh. As the sun set along the western side of the property that evening, Karin started to leave.

“You could stay,” Jay said “We could make some popcorn and rent a movie.”

“I’ll stay for a movie, but I can’t stay the night.”

“That’s fair, although I do promise to mostly behave myself if you decide to stay.” Jay said and opened up the bar in the living room. He filled a glass with ice.

“Is Ameretto Sour still your drink of choice?” he asked.

“Yes, but just one so I can still drive home after the movie.” Karin said and sat down on the couch. Jay brought over a couple of drinks and sat down next to her. He picked up the remote and started scrolling through his movie collection.

“Tell me when you see something you like.” It had been a long time since Karin had seen a movie. She didn’t subscribe to cable and her antenna only picked up a few stations. The only television she generally watched was the evening news and even that was almost always on while she worked on paperwork and only sort of listened to the news reports. But, Jay had a television screen that took up the entire wall and when he turned down the lights, it was like being in a theater. He clicked on the movie that she chose and then grabbed a blanket from a cedar chest behind the couch.  She snuggled up against him and sipped her drink as the movie began. Ninety minutes and two more drinks later, she missed the end of the movie because she was asleep.
When Karin woke up on the couch at Jay’s house it was still dark outside. Jay was already sitting at the counter in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating a roll.

“Good morning.” Jay said when she walked into the kitchen. “I have to leave this morning, so I don’t have much food in the house. All I have left is a couple of cinnamon rolls. It’s not the gourmet breakfast I served you yesterday, but it goes well with coffee.”

“Sounds yummy,” Karin said. Jay warmed up a roll in the microwave for her and poured her a cup of coffee.

“Mmm. It is yummy.” Karin said after taking her first bite. “I could get used to being served breakfast every morning.”

“I have to get back to work,” Jay said “But, you are welcome to stay and watch the sun come up before you go.”

“Oh, I would love to, but I have to get to work too. I told you that I couldn’t stay last night, why did you let me stay?” Karin said.

“It’s not my fault you fell asleep. Or that you had too much to drink to drive home.” Jay said. “Totally not my fault.” He smiled his sneaky grin at her.

“Oh, I think you planned it all along.”

“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. I guess you’ll never know.” Jay said. He finished up the dishes, dried and put them away and then walked Karin out to her car. He kissed her goodbye and then got in his car and drove away. Karin stood in the driveway outside her own car for several minutes before she got in and drove herself home. She had the pleasure of watching the sun come up in her rearview mirror as she drove into town. It was a reminder of her time with Jay.

Karin pulled into her driveway and ran up the stairs. She smiled as she unlocked the front door, posted her sign to Open, and made a pot of coffee. She opened her lock box and gathered the envelopes. She checked her messages and got started on her to-do list, filing papers and making phone calls at the same time; writing notes and leaving messages while checking websites for local nursing homes. She called and made an appointment with the admissions department at Lutheran Life Villages.

The phone rang and John Kinsmore was on the other end of the line.

“Good morning John.”

“Good morning Karin, you sound chipper this morning.” John said.

 “I’m having a good day so far,” she replied.

“Well, hopefully, I can make it even better. I just got all the paperwork finished for the house on First Street. The Fire Marshall has completed his investigation and we’ve been given the all clear on the house. You can go in anytime.”

“That is fantastic news.” Karin said. “I will call the insurance adjuster and have him meet me there as soon as possible.”

“Sounds good. Keep me in the loop as you get working,” John said.

“Will do.” Karin said goodbye to Mr. Kinsmore and opened the First Street file, searching for the insurance adjuster’s phone number. When she found it, she dialed and hoped that he would be available to meet her right away. She needed him to see it with her before she started to do any work, so that everything would be covered by the insurance.

She said a silent cheer when the adjuster got on the line and agreed to meet her later that day. She set her list in front of her and vowed to complete it before she left for the meeting. She knew that once she got started on the renovations, all of her time would be spent trying to get them ready and rented again.

Find out what happens next here

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