Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo Live; Day One

I had hoped to get this posted sooner, and I had hoped to get a few more words down - in fact, I was shooting for 2,000 words today. But, I made it to 1,461 and I'm pretty happy with where I left my readers at the end of the day.
Enjoy the beginning of "Second Chance" and come back tomorrow night for Day Two of my adventure as I write my novel live. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions; I'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Love this but now your forcing me to figure out this blogger thing (which I've avoided so well) how do I add this to my google plus?

    This is awesome! I can't believe your writing this. How r u gonna not leave us hanging with new baby!!! Ahhh!
