Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoWriMo Baby, Interrupted

...and then Karin had a baby and her and Jay lived happily ever after... oh wait, that was me.

I've been so proud of my diligence in posting a port of my novel each day, but last night's posting was interrupted by the pending arrival of our seventh child. I labored at home all day and we finally arrived at the hospital at 1:40 am this morning (November 14th) We were just in time as the remainder of my labor went quickly and Sarah was born at 3:40 am this morning.

So, my apologies to anyone who's been following the story and a promise that I will be back on track as soon as possible. And, I promise you a satisfying end to the story by November 30th.

But, for today, I hope you'll join me in taking a break from Karin's adventure and enjoying the wonderful journey that is my life as my family welcomes this little girl to the world.

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