Friday, June 17, 2011

Never Pay Too Much When You Keep a Price List Like This

So, about 16 years ago, when I was first married, I read this book called The Complete Tightwad Gazette.  She has lots of great suggestions, but one that I used was to start making a price book. I've actually discussed this before in this article here.

Since I wrote that article, I have embraced technology and turned my "price book" into a "price list" I typed all of the items in alphabetical order into a Word document, printed it out, and placed it in a page protector inside my coupon binder. (note: this link is to, a website that I use a lot. Her video tour of her coupon binder explains this concept better than I could in words.)

Over the years, I've heard others talk about, write about, blog about the virtues of keeping a price book or price list. I've yet to see anyone post theirs, although I may just not be looking in the right places. So, I thought I would share mine.

This list is simply a collection of notes I've made over the years as an attempt to keep a list of the best (as in lowest) prices I've seen over the years. These are BEFORE coupon use. I do not include prices after coupons because this list is a reference for me. When I am at the store, and I think "Oooh that looks like a good deal" I refer to my list, and then I know if I have seen much better, a little better or if this really is the best price I've ever seen.

You may have seen prices lower than the ones on my list, and in your area, you may never see prices as low as I have, but this is just a reference. I just figured since so many people are talking about this project, I'd post an example, so here it is. Oh, sometimes I note what store I got the deal from. WAG Walgreens, SAM Sam's club, KRO Kroger, TAG Target, etc. And, I actually added a few items today and so now I'm up to 2 pages. I add to the list after my shopping is done, right from the sale ad and my receipt. I print out a new copy of the list before I go to the store.


Baby Wipes 2.14cents per wipe (WAG)
Bar Soap Zest 37c a bar; Dial 34c a bar
Beef Boneless Roast 1.47 lb; Chuck Eye Steak 1.59 lb
Bologna OM or Eckrich 79c lb (KRO)
Bratwurst $2 lb
Bread frozen dough 38c loaf; white 24 oz 70c a loaf
Cashews 25.4c per oz (SAM)
Cereal dry, cold 6.25c per oz
Cheese, blocks 8oz 99c; $1.98 per lb
Cheese, shredded 1.56 lb
Cheese, sliced; imitation 88c per lb
Chicken B/S Tyson 1.55 lb (SAM); whole chx 29c lb; sliced 80c lb
Chocolate chips 12 oz 99c
Coffee; Folgers 9c an oz
Coffee filters 700for $2.88 or 41c per 100 (SAM)
Craisins (dried cranberries) 15.6c per oz or $2.49 per lb
Cream cheese 8 oz 89c
Dish soap Dawn 90oz for $7.48  8.3cents per oz (SAM)
Dryer sheets 120count $2
Eggs Large 3.66cents per egg
Fish Salmon $8.78lb (SAM)
Flour white 9.6c per lb; wheat 40c per lb
Freezer bags Gallon bags 6c per bag (SAM) Quart 4c; Non-freezer storage: Gallon 4.5c; sandwich 1.5c
Fruits, canned: Pears 5.3c per oz; peaches 8.3 c per oz; pie filling (apple/cherry) 21oz 1.29
Fruits, fresh: apples 69c lb, peaches, plums, nects 77c; cherries 2.99 lb; cantaloupe 1.50 each; grapes 49c lb; bananas 19c lb; watermelon 2.99; tomatoes 78c lb
Garbage bags 13 gal size 7.6cents per bag
Hamburger ground chuck 1.29 lb for 80/20 and 1.55 lb for 90/10
Hot chocolate 7.8c per serving
Household cleaning 1/4 to 1/2 cup ammonia to 1 gal water
Jelly Smuckers strawberry 7c per oz
Ketchup 2.5 c per oz
Lasagna noodles 5.6c per oz; whole frozen 12.5c per oz
Laundry soap Era $10.98 per 170 oz/ 6.5cents per oz; Tide $9.49 per 100 oz (TAG)
Mayonnaise: 1 gal 3.81; 32oz 1.49; Miracle Whip 1gal. 7.22 and 16oz 1.79
Milk 1.88 gallon; dry milk 1.52 gal. evaporated milk 12oz 59cents (64 oz of evaporated milk = 1 gal milk)
Napkins 120 55c
Oatmeal 4c per oz
Paper towels: Bounty 6 rolls/$4.50  75c per roll
Parmesan cheese 8oz $2.49 31c per oz
Pasta: spaghetti 1.8c per oz; egg noodles 5.8c per oz; lasagna 5.6c per oz; rotini 4.3c per oz
Pasta sauce 26oz 89cents
Peanut butter Jif 8c per oz; Spartan 5c per oz; peter pan 6.5c per oz
Popcorn: microwave 6.3c per oz; raw kernels 21 cents per lb or 1.3 cents per oz
Pork loin 1.79 lb
Raisins 1.28 per lb/8c per oz
Rice 50lbs for $10.04 = 20 c per lb = 1c per oz
Sloppy joe mix w/out meat 5c per oz
Soda pop 12 oz cans 12.5c per can
Sour cream 16 oz 99cents
Sugar 36c per lb
Sunscreen 8 oz for 3.99 Banana Boat 30spf
Toilet Bowl Cleaner Lysol 4ct/32oz (128) $6.98 $1.75 per bottle or 5.5cents per oz (SAM)
The Works 4ct/32oz $4.48 $1.12 per bottle or 3.5c per oz
Toilet paper 17c per roll (note: single rolls are nearly impossible to find) 32.4c per double roll (SAM)
Tortilla chips $1.11 per lb or 7c per oz
Tortilla shells 10 pack 79c
Tuna 4/$1 6oz cans 25c each
Turkey sliced 80c per lb
Vegetables, canned mixed 24c for 11oz or 33c for 16 oz
Vegetables, fresh: corn on cob 10/$2—20c each; celery 59c stalk; cukes 33c each; broccoli 98c lb; carrots 69c lb; cau liflower 1.50 lb; lettuce 99c per head; potatoes 8.8c per lb
Vegetables, frozen mixed 4.94cents per oz
Vinegar 32oz 89c
Yeast 9c per oz
Yogurt trix cups 7c per oz; Dannon cups 5.5c per oz

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