Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Running myself to death

I thought this was supposed to be getting easier. It's a like a war going on between my body and my mind. It starts out before I even get out of bed.
M: You need to go run
B: no
M: You must
B: no
M: Move
B: no
M: Get up!
B: no
Then, my mind tries to shame my body into running.
M: Remember those Honey BBQ wings you ate last night? And, that cheeseburger? That is why you have to run. If you don't run, you will be fat and lazy.
Apparently, my body has heard this too many times...
B: Yeah. So?
M: Oh, I give up.
Then, suddenly, my arm throws off the blanket and my body says, Okay, let's go
M: Coffee first?
B: Nope
And, the next thing I know, I'm standing on the sidewalk in front of my house with my running shoes on.
M: Okay, we're doing it. This is good. Love the music. Love the app 
After the first run segment, my body is complaining about the hurt, my lungs are burning because I can't breathe, I think I'm going to throw up blood...
B: This sucks
M: Suck it up, buttercup
I get to the second corner (about 1/4 mile into this 1.5 mile trek) and a man pulls up to the stop sign in his pick up truck. He is cuddling a poodle as he drives. He looks like the guy from Silence of the Lambs, and he yells, "Run faster. You're going to be late." Then, I start to think about my friend who offered this motivation: "Pretend zombies are chasing you."
I imagine Buffalo Bill getting out of his truck and chasing me, and I realize that I would not be able to outrun him, and it's a good thing that my fight or flight instinct is usually fight. I'm thinking about all these things as the voice in my app keeps telling me "Begin walking now." and later "Begin running now"
B: My calves are burning. My shins hurt.
M: We still have a mile to go.
Voice on the app: Begin walking now
Body and Mind: Thank God
This continues until I hear the voice say: Begin cool down
M: Ugh. I'm not even going to make it the same distance as the last time I ran. I'm supposed to be increasing my distance, not decreasing it. 
To my body: You suck!
I turn on my phone and push repeat on my favorite song that just played.
M: I might as well enjoy these last few minutes as I face my failure...
I can see the line where I ended my run on the previous day.
Voice on the app: One minute to go
M: One minute? I can reach that corner in one minute 
Finally, my body complies and I run like I've never run before... chasing down that imaginary line. I pass it and run another ten feet, when the voice says End workout

I walk the rest of the way home and my husband says, "Every time you run, you look younger."
I laugh and say, "Really? Every time I run, I feel days closer to death."

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